dps 03Exhibit view published on the Zeche Hanower website

On June 16, 2016 an exhibition has been inaugurated in Bochum entitled Between uncertainty and confidence - art, culture and everyday life of Polish DP’s in Germany 1945-1955.

At the end of World War II, nearly one million Polish forced laborers, prisoners from German concentration camps, and prisoners of war, lived as a Displaced Persons in camps in the western areas in Germany. The bilingual (German and Polish) exhibition "Between uncertainty and confidence" organized by the Industrial Museum "Mine Hannover" association LWL (Landschaftsverband Westfalen-Lippe) in Bochum presents for the first time a comprehensive picture of daily life of the DP’s and their cultural activities. The center of digital documentation Porta Polonica took part in the preparation for the exhibition. Many documents (digital copies) come from the Pilsudski Institute of America archives which contain the documents on Polish refugees in post-war Germany (Fonds 24, Polish refugees in Germany).

The Jozef Pilsudski Institute of America is proud to announce that for the first time it honored leading companies for their continued and pioneering investment in Poland with the Corporate Catalyst Award during a ceremony held in Warsaw. The fact that the honored American companies choose to operate in Poland is another example of the strong ties that bind the Polish Diaspora and America together; a value that the Institute holds dear. Therefore the Institute chose to bestow this prestigious award in Poland.  Over the years similar awards have been granted to Citi Group and International Paper among others although never has the award been granted within Poland. This time Coca-Cola HBC Polska and Coca-Cola Poland Services were honored with the award.

Nikos Kalaitzidakis - General Manager Coca-Cola HBC Polska, Iwona Korga, Magda Kapuścińska, Anna Jakubowski - General Manager Coca-Cola Poland ServicesThe Institute presented the Pilsudski Institute’s 2016 Corporate Catalyst Award at an invitation only ceremony in Warsaw, Poland on Wednesday, May 11th, 2016. The Award is an element of the public affairs platform for The Campaign for the Future an international initiative aimed at ensuring sustainability for continuing the Institute’s mission to preserve and promote Polish national heritage as well as its history and culture in the USA.

During the ceremony Deputy Minister of Foreign Affairs of Poland Jan Dziedziczak presented our retiring President Magda Kapuscinski with “Bene Merito” Award, given by Minister of Foreign Affairs Witold Waszczykowski to Polish citizens and citizens of foreign countries for their accomplishments that strengthen position of Poland in the world.

The presentation occurred during the special event called The Great Polish Dream, hosted by the Institute and attended by over 100 guests from international commerce, philanthropy and government. Among the guests were: Paul Jones Ambassador of the USA in Poland, Nikos Kalaitzidakis Chairman of the Board & General Manager of Coca-Cola HBC, Anna Jakubowski General Manager of Coca-Cola Poland Services, Adam Bielan Deputy Marshal of Senat RP, Maria Koc Deputy Marshal of Senat RP, Barbara Dolniak Deputy Marshal of Sejm RP.
We thank participants of the panel discussion: Tony Haush Chairman of American Chamber of Commerce, Ryszard Szuster Deputy Minister of Ministry of Sport, Adam Hamryszczak Deputy Ministry of Ministry of Development, Krzysztof Chacinski Mayor of Radzymin, dr Karzysztof Mazur, president of Jagiellonian Club and Anna Jakubowski and Nikos Kalaitzidakis from Coca-Cola Company for their engaging discussion about current economic and social state of foreign investment in Poland.

The Jozef Pilsudski Institute of America is proud to announce that for the first time it will honor leading companies for their continued and pioneering investment in Poland with the Corporate Catalyst Award during a ceremony held in Warsaw. The fact that the honored American companies choose to operate in Poland is another example of the strong ties that bind the Polish Diaspora and America together; a value that the Institute holds dear. Therefore the Institute chose to bestow this prestigious award in Poland.  Over the years similar awards have been granted to Citi Group and International Paper among others although never has the award been granted within Poland. This time Coca-Cola HBC Polska and Coca-Cola Poland Services are honored with the award.

The Institute will present the Pilsudski Institute’s 2016 Corporate Catalyst Award at an invitation only ceremony in Warsaw, Poland on Wednesday, May 11, 2016.  The presentation will occur during a special event called The Great Polish Dream, hosted by the Institute and attended by over 100 guests from international commerce, philanthropy and government.The Award is an element of the public affairs platform for The Campaign for the Future an international initiative aimed at ensuring sustainability for continuing the Institute’s mission to preserve and promote Polish national heritage as well as its history and culture in the USA.



Chrzest MieszkaInstytut Józefa Piłsudskiego w Ameryce organizuje w dniach od 23-26 kwietnia obchody 1050 rocznicy Chrztu Polski. W Konsulacie Generalnym RP w dniu 23 kwietnia odbędzie się  uroczysta gala, na której gościem honorowym będzie  prof. dr hab. Andrzej Nowak, profesor zwyczajny w Instytucie Historii PAN oraz w Instytucie Historii UJ, historyk, sowietolog, znawca stosunków polsko-rosyjskich. Jest autorem 20 książek a obecnie pracuje nad wielotomową serią pt. Dzieje Polski. Do tej pory ukazały się dwa pierwsze tomy obejmujące okres od początków państwa polskiego do 1202 r., czyli śmierci Mieszka Starego i zakończenia kroniki Mistrza Wincentego zwanego Kadłubkiem.

Na gali prof. Nowak wygłosi wykład Chrzest i misja: 1050 lat.  Dr Justyna Chłap-Nowakowa, historyk literatury, pracownik naukowy Akademii Ignatianum w Krakowie przedstawi prezentację zatytułowaną: Polskość jako wybór, polskość jako dziedzictwo:  z dziewięciu wieków polskiej poezji patriotycznej. Wykładom towarzyszyć będzie występ chóru Angelus, który zaśpiewa polskie pieśni patriotyczne pod dyrekcją Izabeli Grajner – Partyka przy akompaniamencie Nicholasa Kaponyas, oraz uczniowie Polskiej Szkoły Sobotniej przy parafii Św. Cyryla i Metodego zaprezentują polskie legendy.

Sponsorami obchodów są: Konsulat Generalny RP w Nowym Jorku, Polsko-Słowiańska Federalna Unia Kredytowa, Adama Import International Inc. Na Galę zaproszeni są goście Instytutu (darczyńcy, sponsorzy i członkowie).

W dniu 26 kwietnia o godz. 18-tej, w Instytucie Piłsudskiego odbędzie się spotkanie, na którym prof. Andrzej Nowak wygłosi wykład pt. Polityka historyczna: wyzwania i zadania. Wykład otwarty, wstęp wolny.

Ministerstwo Kultury
Biblioteka Narodowa
Naczelna Dyrekcja Archiwów Państwowych
Konsulat RP w NY
Fundacja na rzecz Dziedzictwa Narodowego
NYC Department of Cultural Affairs