Archival Issues of Institute Bulletin available online

Biuletyn-001Thanks to the cooperation with the John Paul II Catholic University of Lublin we present, in digital form, the Pilsudski Institute Bulletins and Reports, beginning with the first issue published in 1943. The Bulletins and Reports were published since its inception in 1943; they reflect the events, daily operations, donations, publications and growing collections of the Institute.  Most have an English language section or summary and in some cases a separate English version was published

The issues already digitized can be downloaded  from our webpage. Bulletins from year 1943 to 1978,  partly from 1980 to 1988 and all from year 2006 to 2014 are available online. Additional volumes will be added successively.

Ministerstwo Kultury
Biblioteka Narodowa
Naczelna Dyrekcja Archiwów Państwowych
Konsulat RP w NY
Fundacja na rzecz Dziedzictwa Narodowego
NYC Department of Cultural Affairs