Red Christmas ornament made in Poland
Sales price $20.00
Red hand-made Christmas ornament back
Red hand-made Christmas ornament front
Red hand-made Christmas ornament back
Gift box

Designed and made in Poland.

This Red Ornament will transform your Christmas tree into a beaming center of joy. Let the design inspire and elevate your spirit to the snow-covered trees and homes of Poland.

The ornament is gift-boxed with meticulously crafted white-red Merry Christmas ribbon.

  • Hand painted, Glass
  • Two sided: Institute's logo on one side designed by a world-class artist Rafal Olbinski and Christmas wishes on the opposite side
  • Decorated with glitter
  • Size: Approx. 4"Diameter 
  • Boxed

When buying our souvenirs you support the Pilsudski Institute in our mission of preserving and promoting Polish culture and history in the USA.


Ministerstwo Kultury
Biblioteka Narodowa
Naczelna Dyrekcja Archiwów Państwowych
Konsulat RP w NY
Fundacja na rzecz Dziedzictwa Narodowego
NYC Department of Cultural Affairs