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Webinar with Peter Hetherington
Wtorek 03 Sierpień 2021, 06:00
Utworzył Iwona Korga
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The Pilsudski Institute invites for the webinar by Peter Hetherington titled: "The Battle of Warsaw, Miracle or Turning Point that would not turn?".
 Webinar will take place on August 3, 2021 at 6PM (New York time).

Registration is required:


Peter Hetherington is the author of the book: "Unvanquished: Joseph Pilsudski, Resurrected Poland, and the Struggle for Eastern Europe" (2012), Polish translation: "Niezłomny: Józef Piłsudski, Odrodzona Polska i Walka o Europę Wschodnią" (2020). During the webinar the author will explain why someone who is not a Pole could be interested in Polish history, and then will concentrate on the 1920 Battle of Warsaw. The Polish victory is sometimes portrayed as a miracle. While not preordained, it can be explained by a number of non-miraculous factors such as Polish military skill, patriotism, geography, and the tactical brilliance of Pilsudski. The 1920 Battle of Warsaw did not end the Polish-Soviet War, but it made Polish victory possible. The conflict had a number of important consequences, and these will be briefly discussed.

Peter Hetherington is an exploration geologist/geophysicist living in Houston, Texas and Asheville, North Carolina. He is from Danville, Illinois and received degrees in geology from the University of Illinois (BS, 1979) and the University of Kentucky (MS, 1981). After 11 years at Chevron, he began working for Walter Oil & Gas in 1992, where he is still employed. Although not of Polish descent, Mr. Hetherington developed an interest in Polish history because of its unique, consequential, and surprisingly little known contributions to Western Civilization. 

This event will be presented in English.

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