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Lecture by prof. Beth Holmgren - via Zoom
Poniedziałek 31 Styczeń 2022, 06:00
Utworzył Iwona Korga
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Monday, January 31, 2022, at 6 PM we invite for a lecture online by prof. Beth Holmgren titled:

"Realigning the Stars: How Interwar Polish Musicals Abandoned Hollywood for the Warsaw Cabaret."

Prof. Beth Holmgren from Duke University will take you on a visit to Warsaw between 1918 and 1939 to talk about cabarets and musicals. The lecture will feature Tola Mankiewiczowna, Fryderyk Jarosy, Kazimierz Krukowski, Michal Znicz and, especially, Eugeniusz Bodo, Adolf Dymsza, and Helena Grossówna.

Registration required for Zoom:

Beth Holmgren is an American literary critic and a cultural historian in Polish and Russian studies. She is a Professor and Chair of the Department of Slavic and Eurasian Studies at Duke University. She is recognized for her scholarship in Russian women's studies and Polish cultural history with a special emphasis on theater. She earned her B.A. at Grinnell College, and two master's degrees (Soviet Studies) and (Slavic Languages and Literatures) and her doctoral doctorate at Harvard University in 1987. She is the author of Starring Madame Modjeska: On Tour in Poland and America, 2011; Warsaw Is My Country: The Story of Krystyna Bierzyńska, 2018. Holmgren's most recent book, co-authored with Professor Helena Goscilo, is Polish Cinema Today: A Bold New Era in Film (August 2021). She is a recipient of the Wacław Jędrzejewicz History Medal from the Pilsudski Institute of America.

This program is supported, in part, by public funds from the New York City Department of Cultural Affairs in partnership with The City Council.


Miejsce 138 Greenpoint Ave., Brooklyn NY 11222
Ministerstwo Kultury
Biblioteka Narodowa
Naczelna Dyrekcja Archiwów Państwowych
Konsulat RP w NY
Fundacja na rzecz Dziedzictwa Narodowego
NYC Department of Cultural Affairs