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Lecture by prof. Tomasz Pudłocki
Czwartek 22 Czerwiec 2023, 05:30
Utworzył Iwona Korga
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You are invited to the lecture (in English) by prof. Tomasz Pudlocki entitled: "Roaring Twenties and entangled history of Polish Americans in Brooklyn, 1918-1939".

Where: Brooklyn Public Library - Greenpoint Branch, 107 Norman Ave, Brooklyn, NY 11222 at 5.30 pm

The speaker will talk about the unique experiences and challenges faced by Polish immigrants in Brooklyn from 1918 to 1939. During this era, Polish Americans had two significant places they called home - Manhattan and Brooklyn - each offering distinct realities. While the former community symbolized wealth, influence, and prestige, the latter presented a contrasting experience. Nevertheless, the everyday life of Brooklyn's Polish Americans shared commonalities with the broader American experience, transcending ethnic boundaries. Rich and poor, successful and consumed only by making end meet the Polish Americans in interwar Brooklyn - this phenomenon is worth stopping by and listening to their stories.

Tomasz Pudłocki, Ph.D., is an associate professor at the Institute of History, Jagiellonian University, Kraków (Poland), and the director of the Archives of Science in Krakow. He is a recipient of many scholarships e.g. Fulbright, The Kosciuszko Foundation, the Pilsudski Institute of America, and The Dobrovsky Fellowship of the Czech Academy of Science. He has taught also at Daemen University, Amherst, NY, and the College of Europe in Warsaw (the EU educational institution in Poland). Among many publications in Polish and English, his last project co-edited with Kamil Ruszała was published by Routledge (Postwar Continuity and New Challenges in Central Europe, 1918-1923. The War That Never Ended, 2022).


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