1995 - Zachary and Elizabeth M. Fisher, founders and directors of the Museum of the Intrepid Foundation
1996 - John A. Georges, Emeritus Chairman of the Board and CEO of International Paper Co.
1997 - William J. Bresnan, president and CEO of Bresnan Communications
1998 - Jean E. Boyle, Vice President of International Business Development, McDonnell Aircraft and Missile Systems, Boeing Company
2000 - William R. Rhodes, vice president of Citigroup
2009 - Frank Spula, president of the Polish National Association and the Polish American Congress
2011 - dr Izabela Roman, doctor of medicine, researcher, Polonia's activist
2012 - Barbara Mikulski, Maryland District Senator, promoter of Polish affairs in the United States
2014 - Jan Czekajewski, PhD, scientist and biomedical devices specialist
2015 - Bogdan Chmielewski, CEO of the Polish & Slavic Federal Credit Union
2018 - Alicja Winnicki, District Superintendent of District 14, New York School of Education
2021 - LOT Polish Airlines
1995 - Prof. Norman Davies, historian
1996 - Richard M. Watt, historian
1997 - prof. Janusz Zadwodny, historian
1998 - prof. M. Kamil Dziewanowski, historian
2000 - Richard C. Lukas, historian
2009 - prof. Anna Jaroszyńska-Kirchmann, historyk, profesor of Eastern Connecticut State University
2011 - prof. Andrzej Nowak, historian, journalist, head of the Department of the History of Eastern Europe at the Jagiellonian University
2012 - prof. Timothy Snyder, Yale University
2013 - prof. Andrzej Chojnowski, professor at the Institute of History at the University of Warsaw, chairman of the Council of the Institute of National Remembrance
2014 - dr hab. Krzysztof Szwagrzyk, historian, researcher of the communist era in Poland
2015 - prof. Wojciech Roszkowski, economist, professor of humanities
2018 - prof. Mariusz Wołos, researcher at the Institute of History and Archives of the Pedagogical University of KEN in Krakow
2021 - prof. Neal Pease, historian at the University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee.
1995 - Małgorzata Zielińska - Pfabe, nuclear physicist
1996 - Alina Surmacka - Szcześniak, chemist
1997 - Bohdan Paczyński, astronomist
1998 - Hilary Koprowski, mikrobiologist
2011 - prof. Zbigniew Darżynkiewicz, professor at New York Medical College, researcher of anti-cancer drugs
2012 - prof. Krzysztof Matyjaszewski, chemist, professor at Carnegie Mellon University, researcher of polymers
2013 - prof. dr hab. Mieczysław Mąkosza, professor at the Institute of Organic Chemistry, full member of the Polish Academy of Sciences.
2014 - prof. Tadeusz Massalski, scientist
2018 - prof. Wacław Szybalski, scientists specializing in molecular biology, genomics and biotechonology
1995 - Wiesław Ochman, opera singer
1996 - Henryk M. Górecki, composser
2000 - Rafał Olbiński, painter and graphic artist
2009 - Dariusz Jabłoński, producer and director
2011 - Andrzej Pityński, artist, sculptor, creator of famous sculptures of Polish heroes
2013 - Anna Seniuk, Polish theater and film actress, professor at the Theater Academy in Warsaw
2014 - Janusz Skowron, painter, graphic artist and photographer, promoter of Polish art
2015 - Alina Czerniakowska, documentary movies director
2017 - Leszek Długosz, poet, actor, composer,, one of the founders of "Piwnica pod Baranami"
2017 - Lubomir Tomaszewski, painter, sculptor and designer
1997 - Ryszard Kapuściński, writer
1998 - Tad Szulc, writer
2000 - Andrzej Pomian, writer
2009 - Lynne Olson & Stanley Cloud, writers, authors of "Question of Honor"
2013 - Zbigniew Gluza, editor-in-chief of the historical quarterly "Karta"
2014 - Tadeusz Płużański, journalist
2018 - Bohdan Urbanowski, writer, poet and philosopher
2121 - prof. Bill Johnston, translator
Zarema Bau
Dr Magda Kapuścińska
Prof. Piotr Wandycz
Janusz Krzyżanowski
Halina Janiszewska
Danuta Cisek
Tadeusz Pawłowicz
Andrzej Ziobroń
Grażyna Jonkajtis Luba
Malina Stadnik-Nealis
Krzysztof Kasprzyk
Dr Barbara Berska
Dr Iwona Korga
Dr Paweł Pietrzyk
Jacek Miler
Biblioteka Narodowa
Naczelna Dyrekcja Archiwów Państwowych
Instytut Pamięci Narodowej
Marta Talarek
Rafał Gawłowski
Ewa Babiarz
Alfred Szebel
Dr Bartosz Nowożycki
Dr Janusz Romański