The Institute conducts extensive archival, scientific and educational activities. We collect and process archives, continuing the work started in 1923 by the associates of Marshal Piłsudski. As with any archive, a lot remains to be done. The Institute lives almost exclusively from donations and bequests of the Polish community abroad, and relies heavily on the work of volunteers.
If you are interested in history seen through original period documents, if you have some spare time, if you want to gain skills in modern digital techniques, if you are looking for a place to complete an internship, please contact us. There is sure to be a place for you among the volunteers

Knowing the Polish language is useful, but we have tasks that do not require speaking Polish. Being familiar with computers is also useful, but not necessary as conservation and archiving work do not require computer contact. Most of the work is done on site, but we also have tasks that can be done from home. Studies (or studies in progress) in history, library science, archives, computer science are welcome, but many tasks do not require such qualifications. We conduct training and you can always learn something new.

We need a person:

  • Speaking Polish, bilingual and generally knowledge of languages other ​​than Polish and English to help with translations and descriptions of documents in various languages.
  • For work on the development, conservation, stacking and pagination of archival collections.
  • To work with scanning original documents.
  • For work on describing and categorizing documents.
  • For working with photos, audiovisual materials, videotapes and audiotapes.
  • For performing archive queries.
  • To catalog the library collection of the Institute.
  • To help in organizing and servicing events, historical cinema screenings of the Institute and other activities.

In our business we use modern digital and Internet tools such as Cloud Computing, Web 2, Koha, DSpace; we use metadata standards such as MARC, Dublin Core, EAD. Volunteers and interns gain experience in digitization, librarianship, and digital asset management.

Write to us, call us or visit the Institute!

Ministerstwo Kultury
Biblioteka Narodowa
Naczelna Dyrekcja Archiwów Państwowych
Konsulat RP w NY
Fundacja na rzecz Dziedzictwa Narodowego
NYC Department of Cultural Affairs