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Janina Igielski Award for the Pilsudski Institute

Statuetka imienia Janiny JagielskiejThe Polish Supplementary Schools Council of America presented the Institute with the Janina Igielski award. This award, named after the outstanding Polish-American activist, was established in 2006 on the fifth anniversary of her death and is granted to persons and institutions that have contributed to education within the Polonia community. In the congratulary letter the Council says:

By granting this award to the Jozef Pilsudski Institute, the Board of the Council expressed its appreciation for the financial and ideological support of Polonia education.

The award was received by Dr. Iwona Korga, director of the Institute, on October 10 during the banquet held on the occasion of the National Education Day at the Polish School in Our Lady of the Rosary Parish in Passaic, NJ. The Institute was honored with this award mainly due to Dr Korga's activities in the area of education in New York.

Ministerstwo Kultury
Biblioteka Narodowa
Naczelna Dyrekcja Archiwów Państwowych
Konsulat RP w NY
Fundacja na rzecz Dziedzictwa Narodowego
NYC Department of Cultural Affairs