Professor Tytus Komarnicki Papers 1952-1965 |
Biography / History: Tytus Komarnicki (1896-1967). In Polish foreign service since 1924; at the League of Nations (1934-1937), as envoy in Berlin (1938-1940) and as representative to the Netherlands Government in London (1942-43). Professor of International Law in the Hague after WWII; author of many articles and dissertations. | Abstract: correspondence, clippings and press articles, typescript of Between West and East. | Inventory (in Polish): |
No | Title | Dates | Lang. | 1 | Korespondencja T. Komarnickiego z Instytutem J. Piłsudskiego, z W. Jędrzejewiczem, D. Wandyczem, W. Kowalskim. Wycinki prasowe i artykuły T. Komarnickiego | 1952 - 1965 | Polish | 2 | Korespondencja z Heinemann Publishers Limited i kopie rachunków dot. zakupu publikacji T. Komarnickiego "Rebirth Of The Polish Republic" | 1960 - 1961 | English | 3 | Titus Komarnicki "Between West And East (Western Democracies And Poland In International Politics) 1914-1939"- maszynopis publikacji | 1952 - 1965 | English | All rights reserved. Database conversion: Zevax Inc.{plusone} |